High Quality Cloud, Cloud-Shadow, Water, and Snow/Ice Masks for Landsat 8
Joe Hughes, Robert, Kennedy, Rakesh Solanki
The manuscript describing this dataset, as well as the algorithm that uses it, can be found at:
Hughes, M. Joseph and Kennedy, Robert E. (2019). "High Quality Cloud Masking
of Landsat 8 Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks". Remote Sensing
(2019) Vol 11(21), 2591. MDPI. doi: 10.3390/rs11212591. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/21/2591
*_labels.tif: a coded cloud, shadow, water, ice mask (see below for codes).
*_data.tif: a 10-band geotiff of original USGS data for the subscene for bands 1-10.
*_mtl.txt: the original metadata file for the entire scene (the extents have not been changed for the subscenes)
*_photo.png: the image sent to the interpreter
*_qmask.tif: the original USGS quality mask for the subscene
*_c1bqa.tif: the quality mask associated with the Collection 1 data for the subscene. More information about the differences between these two quality masks can be found at: QA Tools Userguide. Note that LC81130672013142LGN01 was not included in Collection 1 and does not have this file.